Mahasthamaprata Bodhisattva

 July 13 is the “birthday” in the Chinese Buddhist festival calendar for remembrance of Mahasthamaprata Bodhisattva.

“Ta-Shih-Chi P’usa is one of the two main Bodhisattvas of Pure Land Buddhism. Her Sanskrit name is Mahasthamaprata Bodhisattva which means ‘one who has attained great strength’ and is therefore often called the Bodhisattva of Universal Strength. She is an attribute of Amitabha Buddha, representing his Wisdom just as Kuan Shih Yin is his compassionate aspect. She earned her rank of Bodhisattvahood in the distant past through the practice of reciting the name of the Buddha of that period of time. When Amitabha became a Buddha, she and Kuan Shih Yin became his disciples and thus were responsible in welcoming the faithful of the Buddha to his Pure Land at the time of their death.

“The Shurangama Sutra states that in time to come “when Amitabha Buddha retires as the teaching host of the Pure Land, Kuan Shih Yin will take over the responsibility. When it is time for Kuan Shih Yin to retire as Lord of the Pure Land, Ta Shih Chi P’usa will be her successor….”

“Ta Shih Chi P’usa is said to be so powerful that whenever she raises her hand or moves any part of her body, the earth will quake and tremble. Although she is a very popular Bodhisattva to the Chinese, she has not found as many devotees as Kuan Shih Yin, and it is extremely difficult to find a temple dedicated solely in her honor. She is normally worshiped in the Triad with Amitabha Buddha and Kuan Shih Yin Bodhisattva and pictures of them together are commonly found in homes of the Pure Land Buddhists. Those who wish to form a karmic link with her should daily spend a few minutes contemplating on her and request for “wisdom and strength in cultivation” or mind-fully holding her name through the recitation of: “Namo Ta-Shih-Chi P’usa”

June 3o,2021

Daniel has been reading from the book Zen Sourcebook, on previous wednesdays and during the Memorial Weekend Sesshin, focusing on Chapter 9 with poems from Chinese nuns. 

These poems can be found here:

Here is one that stood out:

Don’t you know that afflictions are nothing more than wisdom,But to cling to afflictions is nothing more than foolishness?As they rise and then melt away again, you must remember this:The sparrow hawk flies through Silla without anyone noticing!

Don’t you know that afflictions are nothing more than wisdom.And that the purest of blossoms emerges from the mire?If someone were to come and ask me what I do:After eating my gruel and rice, I wash my bowl.Don’t worry about a thing!

Don’t worry about a thing!You may play all day like a silly child in the sand by the sea,But you must always realize the truth of your original face!When you suffer the blows delivered by the patriarchs’ staff,If you can’t say anything, you will perish by the staff,
If you can say something, you will perish by the staff.In the end, what will you do If you are forbidden to travel by night but must arrive by dawn?

~Pen-Ming (early 12th century

Wednesday March 17, 2021

The Guest

The Guest is inside you, and also inside me;

you know the sprout is hidden inside the seed.

We are all struggling; none of us has gone far.

Let your arrogance go, and look around inside.

The blue sky opens out further and farther,

the daily sense of failure goes away,

the damage I have done to myself fades,

a million suns come forward with light,

when I sit firmly in that world.

I hear bells ringing that no one has shaken,

inside ‘love’ there is more joy than we know of,

rain pours down, although the sky is clear of clouds,

there are whole rivers of light.

The universe is shot through in all parts by a single sort of love.

How hard it is to feel that joy in all our four bodies!

Those who hope to be reasonable about it fail.

The arrogance of reason has separated us from that love.

With the word ‘reason’ you already feel miles away.

How lucky Kabir is, that surrounded by all this joy

he sings inside his own little boat.

His poems amount to one soul meeting another.

These songs are about forgetting dying and loss.

They rise above both coming in and going out.



February 28, 2021

Previously Daniel shared this poem by Antonio Machado translated by Robert Bly:

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that a fiery sun was giving
light inside my heart.
It was fiery because I felt
warmth as from a hearth,
and sun because it gave light
and brought tears to my eyes.

Last night as I slept,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that it was God I had
here inside my heart.

Sleeping buddha | Reclining
        buddha, Buddha zen, Buddha

New Years Day 2021

Dear Boddhisatvas,

What a year it has been for The World, for all of us. Loss and uncertainty have been our companions, and with this a certain re-imagining of what our lives could be.  Throughout this time the importance and the presence of our Practice has been active and significant for most, if not all,  of us, and so I find tremendous gratitude in my Heart; Brother David Steindal-Rast reminds us, “Gratitude is the measure of our aliveness”.

The new changes that are coming in our worlds in 2021 are a bit unclear, and yet Bodhisattvas we have a certain clarity with our Practice  and a trust that we can continue in the midst of these changes. I am very grateful to all of you for your continuous support as we meet on-line and companionship. It is good to have companions to walk this Path!

And as Torei Zenji,  Bodhisattva’s Vow ending words say:

“May we share this Mind with all beings
so that we and the world together
may grow in Buddha’s wisdom”

New years Eve Day, 2020
Rocks & Clouds Zendo
