Hello All,
Welcoming today and greeting each day a new and taking the opportunity to share one of Dogen Zenji’s Jodo ( Dharma Hall Discourse) on the first day of the year from Eihei Koroku (Dogen‘s Extensive Record);

[Eihei] Dōgen Kigen
Today is the beginning of a new year [1241], and also a day with three mornings. I say three mornings because it is the beginning of the year, beginning of the month, and the beginning of the day.
Here is a story. A monk asked Jingqing Daofu, “Is there Buddha Dharma at the beginning of the new year or not?”
Jingqing said, “There is.”
The monk asked, “What is the Buddha Dharma at the beginning of the new year?”
Jingqing said, “New Year’s Day begins with a blessing, and the ten thousand things are completely new.”
The monk said, “Thank you, teacher, for your answer.”
Jingqing said, “This old monk today lost the advantage.”
A monk asked Mingjiao Zhimen Shikuan, “Is there Buddha Dharma
at the beginning of the new year, or not?”
Mingjiao said, “There is not.”
The monk said, “Every year is a good year, every day is a good day; why isn’t there [Buddha Dharma in the beginning of the new year]?”
Mingjiao said, “Old man Zhang drinks, and old man Li gets drunk.”
The monk said, “Great Elder, [you are like] a dragon’s head and snake’s tail.”
Mingjiao said, “This old monk today lost the advantage.”
The teacher Dogen said: [Both teachers] say the same, “This old monk today lost the advantage.”
Hearing such a story many people say, “These are good stories about [teachers] losing advantage [in a dialogue].” This mountain monk [Dogen] does not at all agree. Although Jingqing and Mingjiao speak of one loss, they do not yet see one gain. Suppose somebody were to ask me, Kosho, if there is Buddha Dharma at the beginning of the new year, or not.