Dear Boddhisatvas,
What a year it has been for The World, for all of us. Loss and uncertainty have been our companions, and with this a certain re-imagining of what our lives could be. Throughout this time the importance and the presence of our Practice has been active and significant for most, if not all, of us, and so I find tremendous gratitude in my Heart; Brother David Steindal-Rast reminds us, “Gratitude is the measure of our aliveness”.
The new changes that are coming in our worlds in 2021 are a bit unclear, and yet Bodhisattvas we have a certain clarity with our Practice and a trust that we can continue in the midst of these changes. I am very grateful to all of you for your continuous support as we meet on-line and companionship. It is good to have companions to walk this Path!
And as Torei Zenji, Bodhisattva’s Vow ending words say:
“May we share this Mind with all beings
so that we and the world together
may grow in Buddha’s wisdom”
New years Eve Day, 2020
Rocks & Clouds Zendo

Thank you Roshi! What a beautiful note!