All posts by drchangaris

Join Us for Weds night Talk Tonight from Roshi Dosho Port

Dosho Port began practicing Zen in 1977 and now co-teachers with his wife, Tetsugan Zummach, with the Vine of Obstacles Zen. Dosho received dharma transmission from Dainin Katagiri Roshi and inka shomei from James Myoun Ford Roshi in the Harada-Yasutani lineage. He is the author of “Keep Me In Your Heart Awhile: The Haunting Zen of Dainin Katagiri,” “The Record of Empty Hall: One Hundred Classic Koans,” and “Going Through the Mystery’s One Hundred Questions.”

Link to Zoom:
Passcode: gratitude

For More About Roshi Dosho Port’s Sangha: Vine of Obstacles Zen

Vine of Obstacles Zen supports householders in developing and deepening wholehearted practice through creative and engaging online modalities. We emphasize the importance of kenshō (literally, “seeing nature”) as the foundation of applying the truth of nonduality to the nitty-gritty details of daily life in order to actualize the Great Vows of a Bodhisattva.

This online program offers Zen practice under the guidance of Dōshō Rōshi and Tetsugan Sensei. The Vine is designed for those who are determined to awaken and actualize the great matter of life and death (aka post-kenshō training) – and who aren’t shy about it!

Gratitude for Sangha Support – Sensei Water Dragon’s Bardo Vigil

Dear Rocks and Clouds Community,

Rocks and Clouds would like to extend a deep Gassho of gratitude to each of you for showing up for Sangha at this challenging time. Sensei Water-Dragon is a pivotal and powerful community member who we have deep gratitude for both his steady generous practice and his encyclopedic knowledge of the Dharma.

We had a three-day vigil over this weekend many of you participated in-person and many participated online. Thank you! It has been important and powerful to be connected to Sangha and you during this time of transition for us as a community, for Sensei Water-Dragon, Carol, and the wider chosen and birth family.

We will continue to celebrate and deepen from the wisdom offered by Sensei Water-Dragon. It is traditional in Buddhist practice to recognize that birth and death both are a transition. Death is often marked for 49 days as a time of deep transition. Please continue to offer practice, meditation, chanting, incense, and others in support of Sensei and his family over the next days and weeks.

With generous compassion, just a reminder that we meet life on life’s terms and grief has lots of different faces. Sometimes it hits like a ton of bricks, sometimes it inspires, sometimes it just feels numb and tired. Whatever your reality is don’t make it a barrier to practice but bring that spirit of deep compassion to it and let it whatever it is wake you up.

Not a bad time to remember that old adage of how with practice we get more simple, more true, and more direct that states, ‘when hungry eat, when tired sleep.’ And how difficult it is sometimes to be that compassionate and simple. But that is the direct practice of the way.

I am reminded of the old, important and beautiful Koan “Satsujo Weeps”

KOAN CASE: When Satsujo, a great disciple of Hakuin, was old, she lost her granddaughter, which grieved her very much. An old man from the neighborhood came and admonished her: “Why are you wailing so much? If people hear this, they’ll all say, ‘the old lady once studied with Hakuin and was enlightened, so now why is she mourning her granddaughter so much?’ You ought to lighten up a bit.”

Satsujo glared at her neighbor and scolded him: “You baldheaded fool, what do you know? My tears and weeping are better for my granddaughter than incense, flowers, and lamps!”

The old man left without a word.

Article on Case:

Gassho, may true dharma practice continue and we all support the three treasures of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

Yours in Practice,

Michael Changaris

Honoring Sensei Wonderwheel

Gregory Wonderwheel, Sensei left this body at sunrise this morning.  He will be laid out at home for 3 days. Gregory Wonderwheel, Sensei is long-time Zen student of Terragno, Roshi’s.

He is a core part of Rocks and Clouds Zendo as our head of practice has made many many retreats possible over the last decade. Sensei Wonderwheeel was given authority or teach as an apprentice teacher by Terragno, Roshi last year and a new dharma name of Water Dragon.  

Join us for
1) Sitting Vigil Practice and 2) Community Meditation and Chanting Times

Many of you may know him directly. Many may not. As sangha mates, we wanted to include you and ask for your chants, dedication of practice, and connection to our community in this time. 

Gregory has been treating his cancer for many years and after a significant rebound from cancer treatment, it resurged. He began the full transition of this current embodiment. 

If you are local and want to stop by and sit with him awhile, let me know by PM.  You will be welcome.  All your prayers and thoughts and energies these past days, weeks, months, and years have been felt and gratefully received.

Vigil Sitting Times
Pick a Time from List and Sit or Chant

Our hope is that we can have as much as possible round the clock sitting for the next few days. We are asking for people in our global Sangha to consider taking one of these time slots and sitting where ever you are on behalf of Gregory Wonderwheel, Sensei. Sign up for one or more of these time slots to bring presence into this deep moment of transition.

What to do to Join Sitting Vigil…

  1. Click link below.
  2. Sign up for one or more sitting slots.
  3. When it is time to sit either sit independently or
    join community open zoom link below.

Link to Sit Times Sign Up:

Zoom Link:

Zoom Password: gratitude

Sitting for Survival Meditation and Action

Inspired by the initiative of “Awakening for Earth”  (Awakening For Earth) Rocks and Clouds Zendo, in collaboration with PAEAN (Peoples’ Alliance for Earth Action Now PAEAN – Peoples Alliance for Earth), is sponsoring weekly sitting demonstrations for Climate Action Now.

Our goal is to grow this protest that seeks to bring attention to the current climate crisis by a simple act of silent meditation. We also sometimes chant and walk.  We bear witness to the destruction of our world and in doing so strive to awaken others to engage in a monumental nonviolent effort to reverse climate change.

For more information see flier below. 
Contact us at